Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meat prices

Screen shot of email between me and my favorite farmer, showing some of the prices.

I am very pleased with these prices. Duck is hard to come by, especially without paying much more than this. The duck leg quarters, at $1.35 per lb, are slightly above my goal of less than $1.00 per lb for bone-in meats. But it's duck!

I love his variety and prices, especially with organs. His beef is grass fed.

One meat I did not purchase with this order is pork hearts, which he sells for $0.75 per lb.

Following is my email confirmation of my coOp order.

These prices aren't quite as great as my favorite farmer's, but I'll take them. I'm most excited about the goat hearts, duck hearts, and lamb lung, as these are items they've not had before. Neeko and Bruce have had all these proteins. Faolan has had chicken, turkey, beef and pork. I figure a bony back from Rodney will be a nice introduction to duck for him.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Dang, I wish I could get that around here. I'm stuck with inflating grocery prices.


Thanks for the howls!!