Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Bruce!

Today is Handsome Bruce's fourth birthday.

Some know of our trials and tribulations with Bruce since adopting him 2.5 years ago. During those first several months I could not have imagined he would turn into the happy, affectionate, mostly sweet boy he is now.

What we celebrate as Faolan's birthday is this weekend, so I might try baking a cake for them in honor of it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Happy birthday, handsome boy!

  2. Happy birthday, gorgeous Bruce! Here's to many, many more :)

  3. Happy Birthday Bruce! I'm so glad that you're such a happy boy.

  4. Oh Bruce, Happy Happy Burthday dude!!! You are so lucky to have found your peeps and FABulous siblings! I hopes you gets lots of pressies and livers!!
    Ruby ♥


Thanks for the howls!!