Saturday, November 9, 2013

2013 Great Indy Pet Expo-Indy Dog Friendly

For the third year in a row, I have attended to the Great Indy Pet Expo.  This year it is November 9th and 10th, at the Exposition Hall at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.  In 2011 and 2012 I took Neeko with me, but this year I chose to take Faolan, based on how well he did at the GHAM Dog Days of Summer event a few months ago.  Once again, he did fantastic, interacting nicely with dogs and humans.

He may have been just a little too friendly with these nice folks...

"The mission of the Great Indy Pet Expo is to promote the health and well-being of Indiana’s companion animals; to educate Indy pet owners on the importance of spaying, neutering, and regular veterinary care; and to encourage pet ownership as a lifetime commitment. The Great Indy Pet Expo shares the joy that our pets offer, while showcasing a variety of new products and services."

In my opinion, this event is exceptionally pro-rescue, which means the world to me.  It also provides small business owners and artisans the opportunity to promote their goods, while giving the general public information on various foods, groups, and products they might have not heard of otherwise.

There were various rescue groups, vendors, demonstrations and exhibitions, contests, giveaways, and other goodies to be had.  Some of the booths at this year's event included
  • Several local rescues!! (Great Danes, Beagles, GSD's, non breed specific, bully breeds, EVEN LLAMAS, etc.)
  • Pet food manufacturers (Blue Buffalo, Holistic Select)
  • Photographers and artists.  I actually paid for a mini session for Faolan with Razberri Photography today, and should receive my images in a week or so.
  • Collar, treat, and toy makers.
  • Trainers.
  • Those who offer other dog services such as clean up, memorials, etc.
The owner of Pet Portraiture was there.  I really liked her work, and will probably order something from her in the future.

Pet Portraiture.

Another vendor I found particularly interesting was the Dogger Jogger.  I know of several people who bike with there dogs, but I have never felt there is a safe way for me to do it, owning dogs who are mixes of breeds that are bred to pull.  I had to stop by this booth, and they actually took Faolan and myself outside with a bike, to try out their product.

A full write-up on the Dogger Jogger is forthcoming, but my initial impression of it is that I am quite impressed.

Faolan made several new friends, and I was able to admire all sorts of various dogs.  My friend Michelle came, bringing Jackson and Lexus with her.

I also ran into my awesome neighbors, but didn't think to snap a pic.

Several pictures from today:

A VERY large, beautiful Great Dane.

All kinds of goodies!

Pit Bull kisses.  : )

Little boy, chilling.

A group of gorgeous German Shepherds.

A group of stunning Siberian Huskies.

Once again, we had a great time.  If I had unlimited funds, there were plenty of items and products I would have purchased.  I was introduced to some artists and crafts, along with products, that I not heard of, surprisingly.  This is definitely a yearly event for us.


  1. Looks like the pet expo was a good time. They cancelled the winter pet expo in Toronto :(

  2. Oh, my gosh. I seriously can't believe I didn't connect this before we left Indy because we went to that expo every year. In fact, Indy Pit Crew (the kissing booth) is the org that rescued my Cooper! Looks like you had a lot of fun!


Thanks for the howls!!