Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We've Moved!

We are officially moved in to our new home!But we are far from being unpacked and settled.

Internet is not yet hooked up, so crappy blogpress post with cell phone pics will have to do.

The dogs have done far better than I anticipated. There was some anxiety with all the new people in our old house helping us move, but overall they have done really great.

Faolan on the ride to the new house.

Neeko and Faolan wanted to supervise (and pee) while we organized the garage. They were always under direct supervision while on heavy duty tie-outs.

Faolan helping out with laundry.

Neeko claiming this space.

We have done a bit of exploring the new property with them. I cannot wait until they really get to enjoy it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Do we get a tour of your new home? :)

  2. Congrats on completing the move... such a feat! Can't wait to see how the dogs settle in!

  3. It seems that you are pretty much settled in. I can't wait to see the new home taken with a real camera ^___^

  4. WOWSA!! How excitin'!! There is gonna be LOTS to explore there guys!!
    Can't wait for the tour!!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Congratulations. I remember moving with puppies. Rodrigo and Sydney were a few months old and we both had summer colds. We'd fired the movers right before our move (to save money) and thank heavens for friends, family and neighbors who helped us out.

    I have a feeling they did it so they could have some puppy time.

  6. Be sure to tell us every detail as soon as your internet is hooked up!

  7. Looks like the dogs are enjoying themselves!


Thanks for the howls!!