Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Neeko's Sixth Birthday-When "On This Day" Comes in Handy

Today is my beautiful girl's sixth birthday.  Thanks to the Facebook feature "On This Day" I can see the photos I have posted of her on her birthday through the years.  I decided to share them here.  Please excuse the poor quality of some of them, as some were taken with an original iPhone.


I remember taking this photo the morning of her first birthday, before I left for work.  She was gangly, and still growing into her ears.


Another morning shot, and terrible photo quality. She doesn't look too impressed that she was turning two.  Still gangly, with more dark fur than she currently has on her sides.


Taken on an after work walk, on her third birthday.  She is less gangly, with less dark fur on her sides and shoulders.  Love her smile here.


Not exactly flattering, but a photo of her enjoying a doggy cannoli the evening of her fourth birthday.


I took this photo the weekend before her birthday last year, as there was a significant snowfall.  I posted it on Facebook for her fifth birthday.  She looks exceptionally fluffy, and regal here.

2016-Happy Sixth Birthday, Princess!!

I took this photo of her rolling in the dirt two days ago.  While she is officially a middle-aged dog, she proves that she is still young at heart.  Here's to many more birthdays with my gorgeous girl.


  1. Happy birthday, Neeko! I hope your mom is giving you lots of treats today! <3

  2. She is so gorgeous. I like that the 6th birthday picture caught her puppy spirit.

  3. Happy Birthday Neeko! Nothing better watching a beautiful girl grow.

  4. Happy birthday, beautiful girl! (Our mom loves the "big ears stage"!)

  5. love the progression! Happy Birthday gorgeous girl!!! Dakota's was February 28th :) DakotasDen

  6. Happy Birthday! I love all the pictures.

    Rodridgo and Sydney will be turning 6 this month! Yikes!

  7. What a great idea to use those photos to show how she has grown up. What a beauty she has grown into. Happy (belated) Birthday, Neeko!
    From all of us at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. How funny to see Neeko so gangly, I assumed she was always the regal beauty she is now! She certainly gets more beautiful each year!

  9. I hope Neeko had a wonderful birthday :) I really love the black and white photo. So elegant.


Thanks for the howls!!