Seeing as how it is the first day of a new month, I have calculated my expenses from the previous month.
I got a new phone last month. For the last several years, I have used a budgeting app that I paid for a long time ago. When I restored the new phone from the backup of my old phone, the budgeting app did not transfer. I was heartbroken. Apparently the app is no longer even available in the app store. So I had to go through my bank transactions for the month to figure dog-related expenses. (I pay for nearly everything with my debit card.) Does anyone have a budgeting app they would recommend?
October 2016 Expenses
Food - $92
Health - $24.77
Total - $116.77
Bam. That's how it's done. Health was, of course, the cost of Bruce's prescription.
The $92 spent on food actually purchased quite a bit of food. 140 pounds to be exact. I love my sources. I purchased 80 pounds of boneless turkey chunks and 30 pounds of turkey hearts from a poultry processor in a neighboring state, and 30 pounds of duck necks from a local meat locker. I am fortunate to know several folks who come together to place large orders of meat, and one person will make the drive to pay and pick up all the meat. Because of this, I can get meat at wholesale or less than wholesale prices. For example, the turkey hearts were 70 cents per pound. Can't beat that.
I am hoping that November expenses are similar. It is currently bow season for deer in Indiana, and gun season starts soon. Hopefully my hunter friends come through for me.
Wow, very informative post! I will have to start doing the math as well!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing!
Great month!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what platform you use, but I use Spending Tracker by MH Riley Ltd on the iPhone. It does what I need, and I bet you'd like the graphs.