Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pet Naturals of Vermont Hip+Joint Review and Free Product Offer

I have lamented before about Neeko seeming to have weak/poor hips, even though she is a relatively young dog, having just turned four in March.  We have used various joint supplements in the past, all with varying degrees of what I consider success. I measure the efficacy of these products based on observations-is Neeko "bunny hopping", stiff, slow to get up?

I have again been given the opportunity to work with Pet Naturals of Vermont, and once again they are giving our readers the opportunity to try out a free, full sized bag of the product for themselves.  I was impressed with both their Breath Bars and Calming Treats.

Pet Naturals is providing us with their Hip+Joint chews.  I decided to try these on Neeko, as both boys are physically sound, and quite robust.

These are designed to support hydration, mobility and overall comfort by promoting connective tissue strength.

Glucosamine HCL is the most concentrated form of glucosamine, and often the most pure form.  It is derived from shellfish, and helps to form and repair body tissues.

Methysulfonylmethane (MSM) has a high sulfur content, which helps to maintain the structure for connective tissue.  It is a building block for healthy joints.

Chondroitin Sulfate is another natural substance that is often paired with glucosamine for joint support.

EPA and DHA are Omega 3 fatty acids, which are natural anti-inflammatory substances.

The inactive ingredients are decent, but for allergy-prone dogs, these do contain brewers yeast and soy lecithin.

These are nice sized soft chews, with a fairly strong smell that I am sure is appealing to most dogs.

Taste wise, these proved to be a huge hit for Neeko.

The day I received these, I stopped giving Neeko her other supplements (a canine liquid glucosamine supplement, turmeric, and fish oil), and began giving her the recommended "dose" of these only.  I have been doing this for the last five days. 

I am quite pleased.  She has shown no decline in her level of comfort or mobility.  This is impressive, as we recently built the platform and she has enjoyed showing off her jumping ability with it.  I will continue to use these as her primary joint support, and will reintroduce her fish oil and turmeric, as they have non-joint beneficial properties as well.

Pet Naturals is offering a free bag of Hip+Joint (valued at $10.00-$24.40) along with a coupon to the first 100 readers who sign up through this link-http://www.petnaturals.com/hipandjoint-offer/.

Please let me know if you take advantage of the offer!

Disclaimer-I am receiving free product in exchange for honest reviews.  All opinions are strictly my own.


  1. We are sending them an email, we loved their breath bars!!! Thank you for sharing this.
    stella rose

  2. I just signed up! Thanks for the opportunity. I wrote on the signup form that I signed up after reading your review.

  3. Yay we received an email back from them and they toles us we are a winner. Thank you so much for sharing this wif us.
    stella rose

  4. Hope they continue to help. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Having 2 senior woofers who take glucosamine supplements daily, I'm anxious to try these. They all loved the Breath Bars, so I'm sure they'd enjoy these too.

    Thanks for sharing the information on these products - and for writing about your rotten dogs :)

  6. You are very brave to try a new supplement... especially one in treat form. I have always been leery about the amount of actual glucosamine in those. That brand is carried by all of our natural pet stores so they must be high quality. I'm glad they are working for you but I don't think I am bold enough to switch from my tried and true tablets.

  7. Excellent! I hope they keep working for Neeko!

  8. I signed up! Although I'm wondering if we are applicable as we live in the UK... Great review and they truly looks tasty treats- even to my human eyes. Hope they continue to help Neeko!

    Dina Mom

    1. Fingers crossed they get to you, Dina mom!

  9. Just signed up and got the email saying we're getting a bag :) thanks for sharing. Think I'm gonna try the calming stuff after looking at the rest of the products!

    1. Brittany, I really like everything we have tried from Pet Naturals. The calming treats really helped us out during our move.

  10. I'm glad that they seem to work for Neeko! We have a whole program dialed in for our dog, R, who has elbow dysplasia that involves different products but the same basic supplements. I hope that Neeko stays mobile and comfy for a long time!

  11. Fantastic review. Rodrigo and Sydney starting having joint issues at a young age too. We have a joint supplement that we use and I've started adding things their diet that help too - like duck feet and bone broth.

    I'm glad that you found something for Neeko. That's the hardest part - finding a supplement that works!

    1. I make bone broth on occasion, too. I hate seeing my girl in pain.

  12. Love that first picture! Sounds like an interesting product and affordable too. Will check out the link.

  13. Yep, just signed up!! Thanks for sharing! These would be great for Mika!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. I signed up and got a message to check my e-mail to see if I get a bag. I really hope I do.

  15. I signed up! I hope I get something! :)


Thanks for the howls!!