Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lucky Number 7

It's this girl's seventh birthday today.

I guess she is technically considered a senior dog now, which is difficult for me to accept. I want her to stay forever young, vibrant, sassy.

For her, age has brought about patience, and wisdom for lack of a better word. But she is still silly, funny, and a bitch at times.

There has been quite a bit of spoiling going on today. Unfortunately I had to work, but I stopped by our favorite little boutique, and picked up a bunch of goodies for her (and the boys.)

She chose to forgo dinner in favor of a bully stick, a tripe twist, some pastries, and cheese.  A dog only turns 7 once.

I hope that this year treats her well.

Happy birthday, pretty girl.


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!!!!!!!!! My Dakota turned 10 Tuesday (February 28th)...........hope you will stop by and see his birthday post. Enjoy the day! DakotasDen

  2. Happy birthday to Neeko!!!
    Cammie! and Mags

  3. Happy 7th birthday, dear girl! Looks like your Mommy brought you some very nice birthday treats - I've been seeing those cod skins at a local pet store too, but haven't tried them yet.

  4. Happy Birthday Neeko! My Shiloh just turned 7 last week, too, and it was hard for me to take for the same reasons. As soon as it was pointed out to me that he's technically a senior now, I had a mini breakdown. But he's still healthy and active and we had a lot to celebrate. I hope you get many more years with Neeko, too!

  5. OMD!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY (belated) BURTHDAY GURL!!!! I remember 7....WAY back when....hehehehe Okays, yes, Ma also almost had a heart attack when the vettie called me 'senior'!!! She's like WHAT???? Ruby??? Are you nuts??! She thinks she's still a puppy! (yeah, I do...☺) Butts, WOWSA gurl, lookie at all your DELISH snacks!!!!!! WooooHooooo! are there left overs, cause I can be right overs.....
    Ruby ♥

  6. Happy Birthday, Neeko! Rodrigo and Sydney will be turning 7 years old this month!

    They love those cod skins too. I buy a case when the order comes up at our co-op.


Thanks for the howls!!