Sunday, September 17, 2017

Freon-Dependent Dog

The last two weeks we have had absolutely gorgeous weather. High temperatures in the 60's and 70's, with lows in the 40's and 50's. These comfortable temperatures are one of the many reasons I love fall.

The heat has returned. Today the high is 85°, with even hotter temperatures forecasted for next week. They are talking 90° and hotter. I am not happy about this. It's September!

When it is that hot, I don't like to be outside too much. Neeko is no different. She seems to be more sensitive to the heat than the boys do. Faolan can often be found laying in full sun when the temperature is too hot for my comfort. (My dogs have a dog door, and can be inside or outside depending on their choice.)

Bruce and Faolan like to be nosy neighbors from outside the house. Neeko prefers to be Mrs. Kravitz by looking out the front window.

Nosy neighbor.

Faolan likes to lay in the sun, while she prefers a cool, air-conditioned surface.

When I hand out bully sticks or other goodies, Bruce immediately runs outside with his. Neeko prefers to enjoy hers in the comfort of the house.

When it's warm like this, I practically have to drag her outside. She then acts pitiful, and makes me feel terrible. I don't really blame her. I get grouchy when it's hot. And I'm not wearing a thick, heavy fur coat. 

I know this will change when the weather turns cold. I regularly find her lying outside in the winter, with snow on the ground and a temperature of -10°.

So I will enjoy her company for the time being, in the comfort of our air-conditioned house. 


  1. Rodrigo and Sydney enjoy the AC on hot days. Scout and Zoey can be found out in the sun, chillin' out no matter what the temperature is. In the summer, it's the same. Rodrigo and Sydney are inside, Scout and Zoey want to go outside.

    When it snows, we're all outside. Love those days.

  2. Lol I made a little bedroom closet for my dog and it was actually a doll closet but then I was like I feel like putting bedroom decoration inside of it but then I Came across here and dog a room in my room in a little corner and she likes to come to my room a lot so I decided to make her a little room.


Thanks for the howls!!