Monday, July 24, 2017

My Rotten Cats: Fresh Step Febreze Freshness Extreme #ChewyInfluencer

I'm not terribly picky when it comes to my cats' litter. My main criteria is that it clump hard, and be something my cats will willingly use. Though I have been loyal to the same litter for over a year now, and was loyal to another brand for 10 years prior to that. (Now I feel old!)

So I was perfectly fine with trying a new brand, courtesy of our friends at They sent the girls a box of Fresh Step Extreme to try out.

I know, I know...with two cats, I should have a minimum of two litter boxes. But I scoop at least daily, and my senior girls have no problems sharing. In their early years, when there were two litter boxes, I did find a couple of litters they wouldn't use. With two boxes, it wasn't a problem. With one box, it could be.

I threw caution to the wind, and emptied and scrubbed my litter box (a weekly chore.) I filled it with the Fresh Step, and crossed my fingers.

I have never had a problem with litter box odor personally, thanks to daily scooping and regular changing. New guests to my home who don't really know me are usually surprised to learn I have cats. But a little extra odor control never hurts.

This litter is coarser/thicker than the litter we had previously been using. Not a complaint, just an observation. Upon pouring it into the clean litter box, I did not notice a scent at all.

Noelle investigating the new litter. 

Juice is typically the first to "initiate" a clean litter box. I swear she watches and waits for me to finish cleaning or scooping.

The following morning, there were no rogue turds to be found, so I new this new litter was ok with the cats.

After 24 hours, I scooped. It clumps hard, which is a big satisfier to me. Only upon scooping the litter did I detect a faint hint of the Hawaiian Aloha scent. It was barely noticeable, but pleasant. This seems to be low dust, and the coarseness of it might minimize litter tracking.

Sweet Noelle finds this litter to be worthy of her use. 

I am pleased. There are many benefits to ordering this product from Chewy using autoship. You save 5% on the price, don't have to worry about lugging heavy boxes around the store, to your car, and from your car, and can always count on having litter on hand. I have ran out of litter before, its no fun. Save yourself the hassle, order online. I'm going to.

I was provided with complimentary product. All opinions are my own. 


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Thanks for the howls!!