I just signed up for TWO (!!) monthly subscription box services targeted towards dogs. BarkBox and Pawalla. I should receive both boxes during the second half of January. I have chosen to pay month by month, as opposed to paying 3 or more months in advance. One can cancel at any time. I plan on only keeping the box that I like best after the first month.
I learned of these on one of my Facebook wolfdog groups. Odds are, I will probably stick with BarkBox, as it is mostly treats, toys, and care items, whereas Pawalla is more food centric, sending out premium canned/wet foods. My raw food snobs have recently been turning up their noses on the random occasions that I offer them canned food.
I am very excited to see what we get. With three large dogs, it will make a small dent in my treat/toy buying, but I hope to learn of new treats/products that I would otherwise not know of.
I will obviously post pictures/reviews of both boxes once they arrive.
I will be looking forward to the pictures and reviews!