Saturday, December 21, 2013

Puppy Pleasers Chews Review (from

Earlier this week, I blogged about the giant bully sticks that we received from also graciously sent us another product to try out and review, and we received them a couple of days ago.

Puppy Pleasers is a 12 ounce jar of dehydrated beef, lamb, and turkey tendons, bullies, and jerkies.  They can be ordered as a subscription item from to save people the hassle of going to the store to buy natural, yummy treats.  They packed many goodies into the sturdy 12 ounce jar.

The goodies!!
I knew before even offering these that they would be a hit with my crew.  I am always a fan of dehydrated treats and jerkies, as the ingredients are simple and they are always well received.

A piece of jerky

I originally thought this was a piece of bully braid, but decided it must be dehydrated meat or tendon, based on how quickly it was consumed.
A piece of bully stick!
I am not sure exactly what this is, but it was eaten and enjoyed immensely.
Dehydrated tendon
All pieces offered were enthusiastically eaten.  The bully pieces and tendon pieces actually lasted my crew a couple of minutes.  Fortunately for me, they are not gulpers when it comes to chew items.  For smaller dogs, they would last even longer.

What I find to be a major benefit with these treats is the odor they have.  It is not terrible, but enough to really get the dogs' attention.  Faolan's little butt instantly hit the floor as soon as he smelled it.  Because these are so enticing, my dogs are willing to "work" extra hard for them, meaning that will do perform all sorts of tricks and behaviors without hesitation.  Yay!!

Thanks again,!!

Disclaimer-I was provided with free product in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are strictly my own.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. From the picture, the jar looks so small, but when you lay out all that was inside, WOW!!!


Thanks for the howls!!