Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 2015 Pet Gift Box Coupon Code and Review

It's always a good day when I see the Pet Gift Box sitting on the porch, and yesterday was such a day.

I am a huge fan of this monthly subscription box for a variety of reasons.  It offers folks the chance to try items that they may not have access to, or wouldn't normally purchase.  It's like a mini Christmas once a month.  It's very affordable.  To save more, use coupon code myrottendogs.  To read reviews of previous and/or current Pet Gift Boxes, click HERE.

This month's theme is Howloween, and all the items have a fun fall/Halloween feel to them.

The Goods

Grriggles Playful Pumpkin.  Approximate retail value $12.99.  Cute, corduroy pumpkin with a squeaker.  I am tempted to use this as a decoration rather than a dog toy.  It's that cute, and pretty good-sized.

 Zanies peek-a-boo's.  Approximate retail value $7.99.  Another cute, smallish dog toy.  This is soft soft rubber, with a squeaker.  When squeezed, it squeaks, and the witch's head pops out.  Goes perfectly with the theme.  This toy is very cute, but not durable enough for my rough dogs.  I will enjoy gifting this to someone this month.

Bark Bars Halloween Cookies.  Listed retail value $4.99.  Large cookies made with pumpkin and cinnamon, amongst other ingredients.  One is a pumpkin, the other is a ghost.  These are super cute and festive.  They do contain yeast, so Bruce (who loves big cookies) will not be able to have one, but Neeko and Faolan will certainly enjoy them.

Halloween Boo-Dana.  Listed retail value $5.99.  Adorable Halloween bandana.  I am taking Faolan to a Halloween party next weekend, and this will be perfect for him to wear.

Exclusively Dog Smoochers.  Approximate retail value $5.99.  Soft round treats that are wheat, corn, and soy-free!  The treats are decent-sized, but easily break into even smaller pieces.  I am stingy with treats, particularly when using them as training/bribery treats, so I always appreciate this.  Made in the USA, these treats contain pumpkin and yogurt.

The last three month's of the year are my favorite, due to the holidays and the festiveness that goes along with each of them.  This month's Pet Gift Box is definitely putting me in the mindset.  Cute toys, cookies, and a bandana that I cannot wait to see Faolan sporting!

I was provided with complimentary product.  All opinions are my own.


  1. Oh my gosh, how cute! That looks like such a fun gift box!! :D

  2. Looks like a great, fun themes Halloween box!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. What fun surprises! Sadly, we would destroy those toys VERY quickly. Especially a certain youngster around here!

  4. WEll those are cool drool toys....stella rose don't forget to come and see us in june.
    stella rose

  5. Love the holiday theme! Too bad the toys aren't durable - Nola would destroy them in a heartbeat.

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Thanks for the howls!!