Yesterday, we received our March
BarkBox! I love getting fun things in the mail. You can read the reviews for the
January and
February Barkboxes.
The Goods

Harry Barker Hemp Bone in Orange. Approximate retail value $12.00. Cute, large, stuffed bone. Fun and quirky. Unfortunately not durable enough for my crew. This will be going to the shelter doggies.

Lollycadoodle Wool Mouse. Approximate retail value $12.95. Handmade in Nepal, and Fair-Trade certified. Another very cute soft toy. Unfortunately I don't think it would last more than 20 second with my heathens. Into the bag for shelter doggies it goes. Sometimes I wish my dogs weren't so big, with such strong mouths, so that they could enjoy these darling toys. But I wouldn't trade my rotten dogs for the world.

Feel Good Treats Classic Ranch Bars. Approximate retail value $6.95. Canadian company who sources their ingredients from Canada, Italy and New Zealand. Quality ingredients in these 1" square biscuit-type treats. Added bonus that they are yeast-free, so Bruce can enjoy them as well. I attempted to break one in two pieces, and was unable to do so. They are quite hard. Each of my three readily accepted these.

Poop bag holder and poop bags. Approximate retail value $2.99(?) Promotional item from Angie's List. Poop bags are an item that nearly every dog owner will always need, so I'm sure these will eventually be put to good use.

Little Eatz Perfect Peanut Butter Cookies. Approximate retail value $3.99. These are hailed as "the treat you BOTH can eat." This excites me greatly, as I'm frequently tempted, and sometimes do, try dog treats. These have good ingredients, and are yeast free. Very clever concept. The real test came when I decided to take a bite out of one prior to offering the woofers one each. They are delicious!! Perfect PB taste! Of course the woofers wanted one even more after seeing me eat one. I'm very impressed with these treats, as were the doggies.
Overall I feel this month's BarkBox was kind of meh. I'd like to see more durable toys offered, though this month's toys were cute and unique. By far, my favorite item was the Little Eatz cookies. If you see them available, I highly recommend buying some. If your dogs are lucky, you'll share with them.
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Thanks for the howls!!